Preventing IVDD in French Bulldogs

 frenchie ivdd prevent


Owning a Frenchie is a big responsibility. One that includes learning how to prevent IVDD for your pups. Are you ready to learn?  Then keep reading! 

All About French Bulldog IVDD

If you don’t know a thing about IVDD, this first section is for you.    

What is IVDD?

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a bulging or herniated disk in the neck or back.  Once displaced, the disk presses against spinal nerves.  This results in serious problems, like severe pain, nerve damage, difficulty moving, and paralysis.   

Symptoms of French Bulldog IVDD

Here are some possible symptoms of a herniated disk:

  • Refusal to lift the head
  • Arched back
  • Neck muscle spasms
  • Dragging feet
  • Stumbling or falling
  • Back pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty using back legs
  • Inability to use back legs

Diagnosing French Bulldog IVDD

If you suspect your Frenchie has IVDD, it’s time to see your vet.  The diagnostic process for this condition often includes:

  • Neurological exam
  • X-rays
  • MRI

How to Treat IVDD in French Bulldogs

If IVDD is diagnosed, the right treatment method depends on the severity of the case.  Mild to moderate cases may simply require rest and medications. 

More severe cases could require surgery.  If taking this route, your Frenchie will likely need physical therapy.    

If the surgery fails to provide good results, you may have to get a wheelchair for your dog.    

Top Tips on How to Prevent IVDD in French Bulldogs

Obviously, it’s far better to avoid this condition than to treat it.  Here are some tips that will help you accomplish that. 

Keep Your Frenchie at a Healthy Weight

French Bulldogs can easily become overweight.  But those extra pounds put too much pressure on the neck and back.  That’s why you must make sure your Frenchie stays at a healthy weight. 

Regularly Trim Your Frenchie’s Nails

Good posture helps prevent a herniated disk.  Since long nails can throw off your pup’s posture, keep those nails trimmed.   Seriously: such a simple main

Use a Harness Instead of a Collar

Collars place extra pressure on the neck.  Using a harness is a much better choice, especially if you have a dog that’s susceptible to IVDD.    

Set Up a Ramp

Jumping up or climbing the stairs takes a toll on your Frenchie’s back.  But don’t fret.  Just get a dog ramp. 

Walking up a ramp is much easier and safer for canines that are prone to back problems, like IVDD. 

Clean Up Your Dog’s Diet

Your Frenchie’s diet affects your pet’s overall health.  That’s why a healthy diet is an essential part of an IVDD prevention plan. 

So, throw out that overly processed junk (AKA dry kibble) that’s made of harmful ingredients.  Look for high-quality foods instead.


In Conclusion

Now you know a bit more about how to prevent IVDD in French Bulldogs.  That means you can help your Frenchie avoid this troublesome condition. 

And that’s definitely worth the extra effort!